Enviado al correo / 01.04
El dia 30 de marzo a las 01:30 de la madrugada decidimos cortar una de las carreteras de mayor flujo comercial de valparaiso.
El objetivo de esta acción era cortar la ruta comercial, conmemorar el día de la juventud combatiente y tener un enfrentamiento con la policía.
Colocamos barricadas cortando las dos vías de acceso (entrada y salida) hasta que llegó la policía lanzando bombas lacrimógenas a las que respondimos con una docena de cocktail molotov.
Hacemos un llamado a que estas acciones se multipliquen a lo largo y ancho del territotio asi como hacemos un llamado a las individualidades y grupos a actuar desde la ilegalidad y el anonimato conciente y organizadamente. No idealizamos la violencia a la que entendemos como un medio de liberación de la vida capitalista y su agonía. No nos interesa naturalizarla en las relaciones cotidianas con nuestras afinidades, ya que más importante es el proceso de asumir y deconstruir nuestra mentalidad capitalista y patriarcal.
Saludamos a todes lxs corazones rebeldes que se mantienen agitadxs. Un abrazo desde el amor y el odio que nos une. Dejemos nuestras casas, nuestros privilegios y comodidades y salgamos a la calle a luchar por proteger lo evidente, la vida y la tierra.
mazing article! I appreciate the mathematical nature of your systemic solution, and it’s long-term focus. I’m also a huge fan of building talent from within communities (an ideology that seems to have escaped commenter Bassill above) whether as individuals, small groups or building capacity to establish nonprofits, social-entrepreneurial or capital ventures. This article is sure to provide a blueprint for current and future philanthropic interests.
mazing article! I appreciate the mathematical nature of your systemic solution, and it’s long-term focus. I’m also a huge fan of building talent from within communities (an ideology that seems to have escaped commenter Bassill above) whether as individuals, small groups or building capacity to establish nonprofits, social-entrepreneurial or capital ventures. This article is sure to provide a blueprint for current and future philanthropic interests.
mazing article! I appreciate the mathematical nature of your systemic solution, and it’s long-term focus. I’m also a huge fan of building talent from within communities (an ideology that seems to have escaped commenter Bassill above) whether as individuals, small groups or building capacity to establish nonprofits, social-entrepreneurial or capital ventures. This article is sure to provide a blueprint for current and future philanthropic interests.
mazing article! I appreciate the mathematical nature of your systemic solution, and it’s long-term focus. I’m also a huge fan of building talent from within communities (an ideology that seems to have escaped commenter Bassill above) whether as individuals, small groups or building capacity to establish nonprofits, social-entrepreneurial or capital ventures. This article is sure to provide a blueprint for current and future philanthropic interests.